Gta San Andreas Secrets
- Ghost Car
This is a car that can run itself. With the characteristics of such as damaged after collision. If you want to find in Back O'Beyond or Shady's Creek.
- The Leaterface
Watch out when there are people carrying chainsaws and masked the skin, it is the Leaterface. Its place is in the woods Shady's Creek.
- Ghost Vortex
- Suicidal Pendestrian
This guy seems crazy. Because he tried to kill himself. This story is the first photograph of a sea, and eventually he walks towards the sea after the photographing. This person is in the Flint County.
- Big Foot
Big Foot is black and walks such as big man. Unfortunately, Big Foot is rarely found. But if you want to find came just in Back O'Beyond.>>>>>>
- Ghost Graffiti
This includes the mysterious. It's such as graffiti. Called mysterious because sometimes there can also be lost again. If you want to see come in the cemetery in San Pierro or city first.
- Body Bag
This mysterious hole because there is no body bags in it and there is a car Bob Cat. This hole is located near the school flew.
- Strange Phone Number
This is the secret phone in the house near the driving school. With number 333-747123. Do not be on the phone.
- Screaming Voice
- CJ's Mom Ghost
This is the mother Carl Johnson (CJ). CJ mothers only rarely just. This can only be viewed on the camera. place in the CJ house first.
- Rusty Wheel Chair
It was a rusty wheelchair. This chair is on a lake and there is an old house. If not mistaken in Red County.
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